Thursday, October 8, 2009

Magnetic Motor Generators

Magnetic Motor Generators

Hello and Thanks for visiting the "Magnetic Motor Generators" information and review site. We have been researching the Magnetic Energy Plans created by Magniwork for over 6 Months!

Its been a very interesting journey.

I am apart of a local Green Energy Group that I joined when I was in College -and we started by researching and providing information for Various Green Energy devices -such as Solar and Wind. And after all the research of these other green/alternative energy devices, it is clear that Magnetic Motor Generators are indeed the most unique of the lot.

When it comes to creating a self-sufficient energy source, we are used to taking a natural energy source and funneling it through a man-made device and converting it into a usable -or electric energy source.

Magnetic Energy - Unique Energy

But Magnetic Energy is a bit different. I mean, when we look at a magnet, its like a dead, lifeless , Rock!

Its not like the huge gusts of Wind , blowing through the tree's or making the car wobble a little while driving down I-40. Or the sunshine that blasts down on us in Mid-July . BUT - it does hold an energy source - a natural charge, if you will. And although its virtually hidden and completely unseen and Un-felt...

It is its OWN - and unlike Sunshine and the Wind - Its COMPLETELY predictable.

And when we use the Magniwork Generator - we can harness this hidden energy and convert into a usable energy source. And the main foundation of Magnetic Motor Generators is something that is actually alot more powerful than other green energy sources -its called "Perpetual Motion".

Perpetual Motion - The Foundation Of Magnetic Energy

Perpetual Motion, in case you arent sure what it it - Is when an object or device can stay moving , continually, without EVER STOPPING. It needs NO outside force or energy to keep it moving -and this is what Magnetic Motor Generators use. The Perpetual Motion created by magnets, will actually CREATE more energy than it USES.

And when we create a Magnetic Motor Generator, all we do is take that "Extra" energy, convert into real, usable electricity , and use it to power our homes.

This was just some basic knowledge - a description of Magnetic Energy and Perpetual Motion. I hope that it was useful and helpful to all of you that REALLY wanted to gain some understanding and knowledge of the Magnetic Motor Generators.

If you would like to check out the Official Magniwork Magnetic Generators , you can follow the link:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Magniwork Download

Magniwork Download

Hey, welcome the "Magniwork Download" Information and review site. I wanted to describe the actual Zero Point Magnetic Energy process -and how it is used to provide us with an Alternative Energy source.

The actual Magniwork Download has been used by many people that are looking for new energy sources -or Green Energy. And what we have found in our Green Energy group, is that the actual Zero Point Magnetic Energy is not necessarily new. For many years there have been various experiments that have used magnetic energy as a way to move objects and create certain types of power or energy.

Its just that it has never actually been harnessed into a real , energy producing Magnetic Generator.

Although there have been some other Magnetic Generator Plans over the last few months, they are all copies of the Magniwork Download. And besides being the original -there are plenty of people that will provide testimonials - and videos of the Magniwork Generator in action -

There are even News Stories and News Videos that can be seen -showing the actual zero point magnetic generator that was built using the Magniwork Download.

Magniwork Magnetic Generator

Magniwork Magnetic Generators

Hello and thank you for visiting the "Magniwork Magnetic Generator" information and Review site. If you are interested in Green Energy -or already use green energy at your home or business and want to learn about Magniwork Magnetic Generator's, I hope that you will find this information helpful.

I am apart of a "Green Energy" group down here in Tennessee and we have done as much research as possible for 3 main Green Energy devices or generators -Solar - Wind - Magnetic.

What started out as a college project 3 years ago -has turned into an absolute love for Green Energy -and really , just energy in general. Once you get a good look at all the different aspects of oil , coal and things that have an effect on our society -0and the World as a whole, you CANNOT help but feel like doing SOMETHING.

So this is what we do. Providing information on the multiple Green Energy devices -How they work -WHY they work -and the Plans that MAKE them work.

Magnetic Energy Is NOT New

The 1 thing that few people seem to know about Zero Point Magnetic Energy is that it is NOT brand new. Scientists and Inventors have been experimenting with magnets for along time - around 100 years.

You may have even heard of scientists using magnets to propel objects at amazing speeds - using nothing but magnets. And the "Magniwork Magnetic Generator" is simply an extension of this kind of thinking. Here is HOW Zero Point Magnetic Energy works:

Magniwork and Perpetual Motion

Because magnets have their OWN natural Charge - we can use them to create something called "Perpetual Motion" -perpetual motion being when an object or device can STAY in motion, continually, without ANY 3rd party or outside help.

By itself its just a cool little phenomenon - but when harnessed, Perpetual Motion has the ability to create a sustainable energy source that can power up homes and businesses without any help.

See, because perpetual motion needs NO help to stay in motion -It actually CREATES more energy than it USES. Its a total rarity in the World/Universe in which we live. And what the Magniwork Magnetic Generator does, is take that extra energy and turn it into the actual energy -or electricity - that we use to power up or electrical devices.

Why The Magniwork Magnetic Generator Plans?

I know that there are other Zero Point magnetic generator plans out there -but we have already used the Magniwork Magnetic Plans -we know they work -AND - they have been shown on News Programs -which means that there is ACTUAL PROOF for everyone to see.

This was mainly a descriptive informational review for those of you that would like some more information on what this Green Energy devices is - I hope that some of your questions have been answered. And yes, we do use this Magniwork Magnetic Generator, and it works perfectly.

This awesome Green Energy device is VERY unique. It works solely on its own, and needs no:
  • NO Sunshine
  • No Wind
  • No Water
Nothing else to make this energy generator work.

AND it fits virtually anywhere. Please, do not take my word for it -try it yourself. Now is the best time in our history to "go off the grid". Obviously you have seen what is going on all around the U.S. and the world.

If you would like to check out the complete information and review site -just follow the link: